Auto Read More

As we know, bloggers have support read more. But still we have to divide the posts that will appear first and which will appear whole. Read more automatic advantage is you no longer need to manually divide the posts read more will work automatically according to the sentence fragment height, which we previously had on the Edit HTML settings. And...

 Avatar Mybloglog

Avatar mybloglog is the face profile image visitors who commented on our blog. And visitors who make comments are member of mybloglog, a social bookmarking site that is very popular. I have provided avatar mybloglog widget on this template, but if you are interested to put it on your other blog, I'll give you a guide below. On the Edit HTML,...

 Label Cloud Modification

Label cloud is a label or category that looks like a cloud. Actually, bloggers are provide labels cloud, but the label cloud from this blogger just by writing just one color. Label cloud that we will modify is how to make the writing colorful large and small as writing. In this template I have put a label cloud modification, but if you want to place...

 Related Posts

Related Posts are posts which are in a label or category. Using the related posts to facilitate visitors to see what articles are in a label with other articles, and will most likely be in the clicks by visitors, because it was right under our posts. Actually, I've put the code related posts on this template, but if you want to put this code in...


Foto saya
Dedicated to bloggers who want to using my templates and learn about blogging.

17 Nov 2009

Avatar Mybloglog

17 Nov 2009 |
Sasha jadi artis2 Avatar mybloglog  is the face profile image visitors who commented on our blog. And visitors who make comments are member of mybloglog, a social bookmarking site that is very popular. I have provided avatar mybloglog widget on this template, but if you are interested to put it on your other blog, I'll give you a guide below.

On the Edit HTML, please smear Expand Widget Templates, then place the following code above the code </ head>
<script type='text/javascript'>
Merlinox and Napolux MyBlogLog Avatar Creator
created by Merlinox (
helped by Napolux (
version 0.1 (20061214)
version 0.2 (20061215)
compatible with all blogger blog
function myLayer (x){
//individuo l'oggetto
if(document.layers){ // browser="NN4";
if(document.all){ // browser="IE";
lay=eval("document.all." + x);
if(!document.all && document.getElementById){ // browser="NN6+ or IE5+ if you're willing to dump the !document.all stuff";
return lay;
//lo prendo da blogger
function myBlogAvatar(codiceCommento,autore,stile){
//scrivo lo span
//var myBlogSpan = "myBlog-" + codiceCommento;
//document.write("<span id='" + myBlogSpan + "'><i>myBlogLog...</i></span>");
//metto tutto minuscolo perchè indexOf è case sensitive
if (autore != ""){
alt="MyBlogLog: " + autore;
myBlog = "<a target='_blank' href=\"" + autore + "\" rel='nofollow'><img src=\"" + autore + "\" alt=\"" + alt + "\" title=\"" + alt + "\" border=\"1\" class=\"myBlogAvatar\"></a>";
//myLayer(myBlogSpan).innerHTML = myBlog + myLayer(myBlogSpan).innerHTML;
//myLayer(myBlogSpan).innerHTML = myBlog;
After that look for the code <b:loop values='data:post.comments' var='comment'>

Then place the following code after the code above :
<div style='border:0;float:left;margin: 0 5px 0 0;'>
Good Luck !!  Happy

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